Hello! We’re Ben and Justin, the co-founders of LitCharts and the original editors of SparkNotes. We know LitCharts are the best literature guides ever created, and we think you’ll agree. Here’s why…
Side-by-Side Summary, Analysis, and Themes
LitCharts take a completely new approach to analyzing and explaining literature. CliffsNotes and every other literature guide series that followed (including SparkNotes) all use long paragraphs of summary followed by long paragraphs of analysis. LitCharts break that mold in several ways. LitCharts present a bulleted-list-style summary of every single plot point in the book side-by-side with analysis and color-coded themes for each point. Every LitChart includes a color-coded Themes Key, which assigns a specific color to each theme. Readers can then trace the prevalence of themes as they develop throughout the book.