Oct 13, 2024
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Here at StudySmarter, we believe that digital education will improve the well-being of our world. We want to shape the future of education by empowering all learners to achieve their educational goals free of charge! That’s why we leverage the power of new technology to bring you a powerful app with features like flashcards, summaries, and quizzes to make studying easier, smarter, and more fun (yes, fun!).
StudySmarter’s Flashcards
Our flashcards feature is something we’re really proud of. With our flashcards (you can browse millions created by other students or create your own), you can assess how confident you are with each one, and we’ll always show you the most relevant flashcards based on your answers to help you learn more effectively. Plus, if you want to create your own flashcards, you’ll have a lot more creative freedom – we have tons of formatting tools, including the ability to draw freehand, change the background colour, and insert equations. You can also import flashcards you may have elsewhere (such as with Quizlet), and you can add hints to your flashcards, too!

Finally, StudySmarter’s flashcard feature also offers spaced repetition to help with your memory retention and optimise how and what you learn! Amazing!

StudySmarter’s Subjects
StudySmarter currently offers StudySmarter Original Study Sets (which come with explanations, FAQs, and flashcards) on the following topics:

Business Studies
Combined Science
Computer Science
English Language
English Literature
Social Studies
As you can see, StudySmarter has content on both STEM and humanities subjects, including English Language and Literature. We offer more, for less. Way less. Our all-in-one learning platform is completely free. Access expert-verified explanations, smart flashcards, and a study planner with analytics. At no cost to you. Not now, not ever.

App · Revision Resources

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